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Over 60s Dating
Single 60s is a friendship and dating site for those over 60.
Find friendship, romance or your perfect partner online!
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What have you got to lose? It's completely free to sign up so join today and start searching for local members.
Age is just a number right? Here at Singles60s Australia, we believe true love is worth waiting for and can appear throughout any stage in your life no matter the twists and turns you have taken along the way.
There are many reasons why you might be single right now, for example, you may not know where to meet other singles in their 60s?
Looking for love at any time in life can be a struggle, especially as it feels most people are already settled into a long-term relationship while others are even married. The fact is that there are actually thousands of singles looking date in their 60s and looking for love and romance just like you, we are human after all and making connections is what we do!
The need to make a connection and find love is why singles60s.com.au was created. It is our mission to help you find like-minded singles in your age group. We can even make dating in your local area far easier via our postcode search function and the filtering for your perfect match doesn’t end there! You can further narrow down your search by a very specific age, height, build, interests, hobbies, hair colour and so much more!
For some out there the dating scene is very much a new adventure as it’s a very different World out there these days and often we’re in too much of a rush or too busy to really take the time to meet new people. This is quite a scary thought as we don’t want another year to pass us by without meeting a new companion to create memories with and share in new experiences. We want to live life to the fullest, laugh and be happy which is why joining Singles60s.com.au makes finding a perfect match through online dating easy and exciting.
We have members from their fifties to eighties both in your local area and across the country waiting to meet someone just like you!
It takes just 5 minutes to sign up and start talking with a potential partner, so why wait any longer when you can register right now!